1. Cannabis is currently legalized in SA: A. True B. False 2. The Cannabis for Private Purposes Act has proposed the following about public possession limits: A. An adult 18+ may carry up to 100 grams of dried cannabis B. An adult 18+ may carry up to 30 grams of dried cannabis C. An adult 18+ may carry up to 100 grams of dried cannabis but it must be concealed from public view D. An adult 18+ may carry up to 30 grams of dried cannabis but it must be concealed from public view 3. Employees can have cannabis with them at work as long as they are not consuming it: A. True B. False 4. THC is the abbreviation for? A. Trihydracannabinol B. Tetrahydracannabinol C. Trihydrocannabinol D. Tetrahydrocannabinol 5. Is it legal to cultivate cannabis for medicinal use on a commercial basis? A. True B. False C. True, but with the required licenses issued by SAHPRA and according to the standing legislation 6. It is a legal to smoke cannabis in the presence of a person under the age of 18?: A. True B. False 7. Which cannabinoid has both psychoactive and medicinal effects? A. THC B. CBD C. None of the above 8. Can an adult person drive under the influence of cannabis: A. Yes, I can drive under the influence of cannabis while possessing 100 grams of cannabis B. No, I cannot drive under the influence of cannabis, but I may possess 100 grams of cannabis in public 9. What is the maximum amount of cannabis allowed to be possessed in one household: A. 1200 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent B. 1000 grams per person in each household C. 600 grams per person (exceeding more than two people in the household) 10. An adult may for personal use A. possess unlimited cannabis seeds and seedlings for purposes of cannabis cultivation material B. possess 30 seedlings per person for personal use C. possess unlimited seedlings to be sold to various people Submit